Tesla currently uses Google Maps as the base and to pinpoint the points of interests, but the navigation data and routing engine are provided by another software company named MapBox which has been working on these projects for about a decade now.
What this means is that the automaker is already gathering enough data to be able to create its own maps or a routing engine that will help in navigating parking or private spaces much easier for Tesla vehicles, resulting in a smoother Smart Summon experience. Then they could just query to get a sense of where the lanes are, as long as Teslas have driven through Theoretically it should be possible to improve smart summon’s routing algorithms if Tesla had their own database of GPS points and driving data for Teslas in parking lots He was responding to the following tweet directed at him by podcast.
Tesla CEO Elon Musk has confirmed on Twitter that the Smart Summon feature in the future will use the GPS points from the maps/navigation data generated by Tesla cars that have previously been at that location in order to further refine this feature.